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The Vault
features and documentaries
Media Democracy, Peace and Justice... A 5 minute audio collage celebrating community radio and peace and justice |
Chemical Soup: Pollutants in the Body. There are thousands of chemicals in our air, water, dust, and food coming from everyday products. These chemicals accumulate in our bodies long after they are banned or removed from the market. |
a Mission. Scott and Joe were both raised in the Mormon community. But being gay puts them at odds with their families and the church. |
Serious Humor. Features well known activists, comedians, talking heads and plain old folks. Winner of a National Federation of Community Broadcasters award in 2000. |

daring women scorch |
Radio features the work of Aimée Pomerleau, radio producer in Berkeley,
reporter, producer, engineer, and trainer, she's done work for the
New York Times, Democracy Now!, Outright Radio, Free Speech Radio
News, Pacifica Radio, KPFA, and was Production Director for the nationally-syndicated program Making Contact.
Contact Aimee |
in my car and was truly impressed--at the story and the overall clarity of its construction. The pacing, the interviews, the cutting.
Rare to hear something so well put together.
Ira Glass
This American Life
It's a damn fine piece of journalism... [I]t serves to a degree as a wake-up call to the general population of the U.S. as how they are perceived in the world. Excellent, important work.
Paul McDonald
PRX Reviewer and Independent Producer
(International Activists React to the U.S. Election)
a great story! Very touching, great dads, a great family story!
Eleanor Harris
Sr. Vice President, Station Syndication, Public Radio International
(Coming Home)
from the vault
vault is where I keep everything I've done. News pieces covering bicycle messengers, women's basketball
and burning man. Speeches by Barbara Lee, Julia Butterfly Hill, Ralph
Nader and others.
I remember the day Martin Luther King was shot... Kathryn Washington was one of the people I interviewed for the New York Times series on Race in the summer of 2000. |
Birth in 5... Babies are born every day, but how often do you hear it on the radio? |
Documenting Torture: Holding the United States Accountable. On this edition, we trace the seeds of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal to 9/11 and previous to that time. We hear from survivors of torture, human rights advocates, and a soldier. |